
Showing posts from October, 2022

English 4, Post 5 [FINAL], 'Changes to my study programme'

  Warm Salutations, This week, I am bringing to you the fifth and final blog session. In this particular session, you will be asked to do the following class assignment: Write about some changes that could be made to your study programme Among others, think about: > The curriculum (the subjects you have to study) > Workload and length of studies > Faculty facilities (buildings and infrastructure) > Use of technology > Teaching Methods - Word Count: 230 - Leave comments on 3 of your classmates’ posts and your teacher's blog entry  As I always do, I leave you with a sample post, "I think I would not change any of the subjects from the undergraduate programme I studied. They are OK and I have no complaints whatsoever. The curriculum was probably meant to cover every single aspect of English Linguistics and Literature. What it did not cover was Spanish Linguistics, and of course, I did not study Spanish Linguistics. Even though I took a subject on Spanish Grammar a

English 4, Post 4, 'Time Travel to the past or future'

  Warm Salutations, This week, I am bringing to you the fourth out of five blog sessions. In this particular session, you will be asked to do the following class assignment: Write about an imaginary time travel to the past or future: Where would you like to go? Why? What time in the future? / What time in the past? Would you like to stay there? Why/Why not? Upload pictures (optional) Make comments on 3 of your classmates’ post s + a comment on your teacher’s entry Word count: 220 words     As usual, as you’re used to, I leave you an entry that you can take as a point of reference to write one of your own: Future? Why? I do not know If I want to travel to the future, to be honest. What for? To acquire a ton of information that might be helpful for mankind, I suppose. Well, if I have to be honest, I wouldn’t mind if a take a short trip and find out what will become of humanity in a few decades, or even centuries.  First of all, I would like to travel for 2 weeks in the future to find out