
English 4, Post 5 [FINAL], 'Changes to my study programme'

  Warm Salutations, This week, I am bringing to you the fifth and final blog session. In this particular session, you will be asked to do the following class assignment: Write about some changes that could be made to your study programme Among others, think about: > The curriculum (the subjects you have to study) > Workload and length of studies > Faculty facilities (buildings and infrastructure) > Use of technology > Teaching Methods - Word Count: 230 - Leave comments on 3 of your classmates’ posts and your teacher's blog entry  As I always do, I leave you with a sample post, "I think I would not change any of the subjects from the undergraduate programme I studied. They are OK and I have no complaints whatsoever. The curriculum was probably meant to cover every single aspect of English Linguistics and Literature. What it did not cover was Spanish Linguistics, and of course, I did not study Spanish Linguistics. Even though I took a subject on Spanish Grammar a

English 4, Post 4, 'Time Travel to the past or future'

  Warm Salutations, This week, I am bringing to you the fourth out of five blog sessions. In this particular session, you will be asked to do the following class assignment: Write about an imaginary time travel to the past or future: Where would you like to go? Why? What time in the future? / What time in the past? Would you like to stay there? Why/Why not? Upload pictures (optional) Make comments on 3 of your classmates’ post s + a comment on your teacher’s entry Word count: 220 words     As usual, as you’re used to, I leave you an entry that you can take as a point of reference to write one of your own: Future? Why? I do not know If I want to travel to the future, to be honest. What for? To acquire a ton of information that might be helpful for mankind, I suppose. Well, if I have to be honest, I wouldn’t mind if a take a short trip and find out what will become of humanity in a few decades, or even centuries.  First of all, I would like to travel for 2 weeks in the future to find out

English 4, Post 3, ' 'My dream job'

  Warm Salutations, Prospective Music Interpreters, Art History/Musical Theorists, Plastic Artists, Theatre Designers, etc. from  Artes , This week, I am bringing to you the third out of six blog sessions. In this particular session, you will be asked to do the following class assignment:       - What  kind of job  would you like to have in the future? How do you imagine it? - What skills will you need? - Would you like to  travel a lot  in your job? - What about the  salary ? - Add any  other related ideas . - Make comments on 3 of your classmates’ posts ( optional ) + a comment on your teacher's post ( obligatory )   - Word Count:   210 words     I leave you a sample, as usual,    "First of all, as a manner of a beginning, I would like to say that it is difficult to choose a favourite activity that you perform, in my case, I probably have too many to choose from. If I was paid for an activity I enjoy performing, I would say it could be heaven on Earth, literally. However,

English 4, Post 2, 'Choosing between: (a) The best holidays or (b) The best concert'

  Warm Salutations, Prospective Music Interpreters, Art History/Musical Theorists, Plastic Artists, Theatre Designers, etc. from  Artes , This week, I am bringing to you the second out of eight blog sessions. In this particular session, you will be asked to do the following class assignment: This time you will write about  the best holidays  or  concerts you've been to .  Please choose  ONLY 1 topic .  Holidays: When  it was Where  they went How long  it was People  you went with Things/activities  they did Why  it has been  the best  so far Any other relevant info or, Concert: When / where  it was The  artist  you saw A bit of info  about the artist Describe  the atmosphere  during the event Describe  how you felt  and why they enjoyed it Any other memories  about it Word Count: 170 . Leave comments on  3 of your   classmates’   posts  + comments on  your teacher's post. "Dear Fellow Concert Goers, This time I was given the great opportunity to write about a memorable con

English 4, Post 1, 'A country you would like to visit'

  Warm Salutations Earthlings from the Faculty of Arts, In this very special moment, I am bringing to you the first out of five blog sessions we will be working on.   In this particular session, you will be asked to  do the following classwork : -  Which country would you like to go to? Why? -  What do you know about it? -  What would you like to do there? -  Would you like to study/work/live there? Explain. -  Upload pictures (optional) -  Make comments on 3 of your classmates’ posts  + a comment on your  teacher’s  entry -  Word Count :  160 words   Down below, I am leaving you a written sample for you to have an idea.      "Hi everybody,   To go straight to the point, I will say that I would like to visit Japan in the near future. Since it is the birthplace of all anime and video games, Japan makes its way as one of the most interesting places to visit on the globe. J apan is a very beautiful place, full of a rich inner-city life. On this occasion, I would like to focus o